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Showing posts from June, 2018

The science of air distribution in occupied spaces

What is airflow and how does it work? Do we really understand the mechanics behind air-distribution systems? Ventilation and harmful particles are key issues in cleanrooms and controlled environments. If a building does not contain a sophisticated air-distribution system to eliminate these ...

Why you should not delay getting your boiler repaired

Having a fully working boiler that provides you with hot water and heating is essential. It doesn’t matter whether your boiler is a commercial boiler or a domestic one; what is important is that if there is a fault with it you contact someone to come and look at it as soon as possible and get ...

Take care with health sector floor specification

In the EU, approximately 4.1 million patients acquire a Healthcare Associated Infection (HAI) each year and at least 37,000 patients die as a result writes David Hockley. Therefore, when it comes to floor selection in hospitals and medical establishments, maintaining the highest hygiene standards ...

Noise control in the school environment

It was once referred to as the forgotten pollutant and while some may think this issue is a fact of life, noise is an annoyance that can be bad for your health, whether it’s in the home, workplace or outside environment. In the world of education, noise can not only have a direct impact on ...