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Showing posts from December, 2018

How 3D concrete technology could be a game changer

When Fosters + Partners announced in 2013 it was exploring the possibilities of 3D printed buildings on the moon using lunar soil, the concept of 3D printed buildings as a viable commercial alternative to current construction techniques was one step closer to reality writes Martin Liska, Research ...

Compare Eco Housing Design Types

Private homes are estimated to be responsible for about one fifth to one fourth of global carbon dioxide emissions; and for that reason, eco-friendly construction or green building is becoming more and more of a necessity. If you’re looking to move home and are wanting something more ...

The Hidden Danger: Understanding Asbestos

As an employer, safety is likely pretty high on your priority risk, ensuring that you and those you work with minimise the risk of accidents. Although it can be easy to incorporate various health and safety protocols in order to sufficiently protect yourself and your colleagues from immediate harm, ...

Energy saver lights the way at stunning new warehouse

A happy employee is a productive one, which is why it is essential workspaces are light, appealing, and ideally, paragons of energy-efficiency. These characteristics were very much to the fore when it came to building one of the largest distribution hubs in the UK, which included 13,000m2 of ...

It was a very good year for the Baumit Training Academy

Distinguishing your company from competitors can be a challenge, especially now tradespeople can easily enrol on courses to give their business that defining edge. But often, these courses fail to strike a crucial balance between time onsite and time in the classroom, meaning that participants walk ...

Online systems offer solutions to curb late payments

Since the construction giant Carillion’s liquidation at the beginning of the year, the government has released regulations to target late payers in the public sector in an attempt to resolve the delayed payment crisis. In light of this government order released a few months ago by ...